דילוג לתוכן
משלוחים חינם מעל ₪350
משלוחים חינם מעל ₪350

Untold Horror


נשארו במלאי רק 1

נשארו במלאי רק 1

פורמט: כריכה קשה
מק"ט: 9781506719023
תאריך הוצאה:
תגיות: , , , ,

Insightful interviews of horror legends George Romero, John Landis, Joe Dante, Brian Yuzna, and more, by former editor-in-chief of Rue Morgue, Dave Alexander, about the scariest horror movies never made!

Take a behind-the-scenes look into development hell to find the most frightening horror movies that never were, from unmade Re-Animator sequels to alternate takes on legendary franchises like Frankenstein and Dracula!

Features art, scripts, and other production material from unmade films that still might make you scream–with insights from dozens of directors, screenwriters, and producers with decades of experience.

Featured Interviews With:
George A. Romero
John Landis
Joe Dante
Vincenzo Natali
Brian Yuzna
William Lustig
William Malone
Buddy Giovinazzo
Tim Sullivan
Richard Raaphorst
Ruggero Deodato
Jim Shooter
Bob Layton
David J. Skal

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