משלוחים חינם מעל ₪300
משלוחים חינם מעל ₪300

The Path to Paradise


נשארו במלאי רק 1

נשארו במלאי רק 1

פורמט: כריכה קשה
מק"ט: 9780571379842
תגיות: , , , , , ,

Say 'Coppola' and The Godfather immediately comes to mind. But Coppola isn't Corleone — he's more than that.
He's a visionary who predicted that digital cameras – no larger than one's hand – would allow anyone to make movies. And then set up a studio, Zeotrope, to make his dreams a reality.

The book presents the highs and lows of both his personal and professional life, as Coppola sets out to transform the process of making movies.

Sam Wasson masterly captures the larger-than-life figure of a man who pursued a vision of the world of movies and all the wonder of what that would be.

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