The Little Guide to Leonard Cohen


נשארו במלאי רק 1

נשארו במלאי רק 1

מק"ט: 9781800691940
תאריך הוצאה:
תגיות: , , , ,

Without a doubt one of the most important, influential and acclaimed artists since the 1960s, Leonard Cohen is admired by fans, musicians and composers the world over. His death in 2016 at the age of 82 was front-page news globally. The deeply personal nature of his work, and its profound insight into humans and human nature see him revered as a lyrical genius, and for good reason. His ongoing themes of depression, love, religion and relationships struck a chord with fans all over the world and his albums (as well as his books of poetry) sold accordingly.

The Little Guide to Leonard Cohen features quotes from the man himself, as well as contributions from many great artists and commentators. Cohen had many celebrity fans, including Bob Dylan, Kurt Cobain, Judy Collins and more. This book contains many insightful, witty and meaningful quotes by and about Leonard Cohen, as well as fascinating facts, song lists and more.

‘My reputation as a ladies’ man was a joke. It caused me to laugh bitterly through the 10,000 nights I spent alone.’ – Leonard Cohen

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על כל הפריטים בחנות ובאתר

המבצע יתעדכן בסל הקניות

הפריט הזול מביניהם המבצע תקף בחנויות ובאתר האוזן השלישית עד 31.8
האוזן השלישית שומרת לעצמה את הזכות להחדול או להאריך את תוקף המבצע לפי שיקול דעתה

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כל העדכונים והמבצעים אצלכם במייל

*ללא כפל מבצעים וקופונים

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