דילוג לתוכן
משלוחים חינם מעל ₪350
משלוחים חינם מעל ₪350

The Karate Kid


נשארו במלאי רק 1

נשארו במלאי רק 1

פורמט: כריכה רכה
מק"ט: 9781683691112
תאריך הוצאה:
תגיות: , , , ,

When The Karate Kid was released in theaters in 1984, the heartwarming story of the friendship between a bullied boy and his karate teacher won over audiences and inspired thousands of children across America to take up karate. Now, over 30 years later, Daniel and Mr. Miyagi are back and rendered in the fun, colorful, retro illustration styles of illustrator Kim Smith. This storybook follows all the basic beats of the film: When Daniel moves to a new town and is targeted by bullies from the local karate dojo, his neighbor Mr. Miyagi agrees to help him train for the upcoming karate tournament, teaching him lessons about patience, balance, and hard work along the way. All the iconic moments of the film are captured including Wax-on, wax-off, the tournament, and of course, the crane kick. This timeless story about finding your inner strength will enchant fans of the movie, and introduce Karate Kid to a whole new generation.

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