Stone Fruit


נשארו במלאי רק 1

נשארו במלאי רק 1

מק"ט: 9781683964261
תאריך הוצאה:
תגיות: , ,

Bron and Ray are a queer couple who enjoy their role as the fun weirdo aunties to Ray’s niece, six-year-old Nessie. Their playdates are little oases of wildness, joy, and ease in all three of their lives, which ping-pong between familial tensions and deep-seeded personal stumbling blocks. As their emotional intimacy erodes, Ray and Bron isolate from each other and attempt to repair their broken family ties ― Ray with her overworked, resentful single-mother sister and Bron with her religious teenage sister who doesn’t fully grasp the complexities of gender identity. Taking a leap of faith, each opens up and learns they have more in common with their siblings than they ever knew.

At turns joyful and heartbreaking, Stone Fruit reveals through intimately naturalistic dialog and blue-hued watercolor how painful it can be to truly become vulnerable to your loved ones ― and how fulfilling it is to be finally understood for who you are. Lee Lai is one of the most exciting new voices to break into the comics medium and she has created one of the truly sophisticated graphic novel debuts in recent memory.

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*ללא כפל מבצעים וקופונים

מבצע לוהט בלי SALE של ספק

על כל הפריטים בחנות ובאתר

המבצע יתעדכן בסל הקניות

הפריט הזול מביניהם המבצע תקף בחנויות ובאתר האוזן השלישית עד 31.8
האוזן השלישית שומרת לעצמה את הזכות להחדול או להאריך את תוקף המבצע לפי שיקול דעתה

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